Antonio Mercero - Virtual museum

Antonio Mercero - Virtual museum

La balada de los cuatro jinetes 1969

La Balada de Los Cuatro Jinetes (The Ballad of the Four Horsemen) is a documentary made with images from news programmes on religious music. With an incisive, critical gaze, Antonio Mercero denounces racism in the USA, the Vietnam War, traffic accidents and the misery left in the wake of natural disasters. This is the tale of the journey taken by the four horsemen of Revelations, representing the conquest of space.

Length: 12 minutes


1969 - La balada de los cuatro jinetes

Filmoteca EspaƱola, TVE



"Golden Spike" in the Week of Religious Film and Human Values of Valladolid


1969-05-04 - News about the film week of Valladolid
